Filming Schedule

When Are You Going to Film?
Now that I have finished planning the minute details of my film, I can now select a date to commence filming. I have discussed with my cast as to when they are available and have agreed on the dates of filming. I also have to take the weather into consideration which is a fairly demanding task during this time of year.

As the project is such a large one, I have decided to dedicate multiple days to filming as I know I will not finish in only one filming session.

Filming Day One
Date: 07/10/17
Time: 11:00 - 16:00
Location: Lynford Water, Mundford

This filming day is scheduled noticeably earlier than my other scenes. This is because, I wanted to ensure I had this scene filmed before Winter arrives so that the weather isn't unbearably cold, as the scene requires Elliott, Beth and I to enter a lake. If I had scheduled this closer to my other filming dates, it would have been too cold to film. Furthermore, I need enough time to prepare the props for my other scenes.

This filming day I intend to film all of the scenes involving Bleedingheart's character. This involves 2 relatively small scenes and a 3rd rather large one. The people involved in the scenes include: Beth Bridgwood (Bleedingheart), Elliott Gillespie (Egon), Emma Sherry (the Riverfolk Leader) and a group of volunteers playing crowd members and other minor roles. I have checked with everybody to ensure they are all available to film.

The reason I have schedule 11:00 - 16:00 is because this allows for enough time before losing sunlight, which ensures I can get all of my scenes done. I have looked at the weather forecast and it is forecast to be slightly cloudy: the ideal lighting set up for high quality footage.

Unfortunately, filming was unsuccessful on this date due to poor weather conditions, a slow start and low morale. Because of this, I am going to have to reschedule another filming day with my cast. I have asked them to keep their schedule relatively open ready for another filming day.

Filming Day Two 
Date: 14/10/17
Time: 09:00 - 13:00
Location: Lynford Water, Mundford

Because last filming date was such a disaster, Elliott and I have agreed to return to the filming location alone. We want to familiarise ourselves completely with the location so that we can avoid wasting time scouting a perfect spot on the day of filming. This will ensure we don't have a slow start like last time. *NO FILMING WILL TAKE PLACE ON THIS DAY, THIS DAY IS SCHEDULED TO LOOK AT THE LOCATION. 

Filming Day Three
Date: 25/10/17
Time: 11:00 - 16:00
Location: Lynford Water, Mundford

As my first attempt to film at this location was unsuccessful, I have discussed and arranged with my cast as to when the next filming date will be. We have agreed these times again as it allows us enough time to get everything done before sunset. The forecast for this day is sunny and warm which, while the lighting isn't optimal for a cheap DSLR, will be beneficial for those of us who have to submerge ourselves into the lake. This is particular of Beth, who is very susceptible to the cold.

Filming Day Four
Date: 30/12/17
Time: 17:30 - 19:00
Location: Merton Hall, Merton

This filming day will occur in the evening as it is set at nighttime lit by only a bonfire. I will arrive slightly earlier than the set time to set up the bonfire, however, as it is such a short film, we will only need a short while to finish filming. I have checked with the cast members who appear in this scene to ensure everyone is available: Rowan Knights (The Preacher), Elliott Gillespie (Egon) and a group of volunteers as the Preacher's followers.

It is forecast to be clear, which is convenient for building a fire.

Filming Day Five
Date: 14/02/18 
Time: 11:00 - 17:00
Location: Merton Hall, Merton

On this filming day, I plan to film all of the remaining scenes involving The Preacher's characters, which involve two relatively large scenes and two extraordinarily small scenes. I have checked with my required cast members to ensure they are available to perform: Rowan Knights (the Preacher), Elliott Gillespie (Egon) and a group of volunteers playing the Preacher's followers.

It is forecast to be cloudy, which may jeopardise the light as the Sun will be completely blocked. However, as this is the only time in which everybody is available, I will have to work around it.

// UPDATE \\
Unfortunately, filming wasn't entirely successful due to weather, a slow start and being harassed by a group of free roaming ponies. Due to this, I will have to reschedule. I have warned my cast to keep their schedule open for another day.

Filming Day Six
Date: 03/03/18
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Location: Merton Hall, Merton

As the last filming attempt was unsuccessful, I have rescheduled it to Saturday 3rd of March at 9 am. This is a good filming time because it gives us the entire day to complete filming before completely losing light. I have checked with my cast (Elliott, Rowan and a group of volunteers) that they are definitely available.

It is forecast to be cloudy, which is not optimal in terms of lighting, however, using camera settings I can work around this.

Filming Day Seven
Date: 04/03/18
Time: 09:00 - 14:00
Location: Merton Hall, Merton

After reconsidering the location I shall use for the terrorist sequence, I have chosen Merton. This is because it is private land and is therefore a good choice to use smoke bombs on. I have chosen these times as I believe they give us a sensible amount of time to complete a small but significant scene. I have checked with my cast to ensure they are all available: Jackson Cutts (the terrorist) and a group of volunteers playing the terrorism victims.

It is scheduled to be partly cloudy on this day. This is convenient as these will create optimal lighting conditions where it is bright enough but no stark shadows are created by direct light.


Filming DayDateTimeLocation
One07/10/1711:00 - 16:00Lynford Water
Two14/10/1709:00 - 13:00Lynford Water
Three25/10/1711:00 - 16:00Lynford Water
Four30/12/1717:30 - 19:00Merton Hall
Five14/02/1811:00 - 17:00Merton Hall
Six03/03/1809:00 - 17:00Merton Hall
Seven04/03/1809:00 - 14:00Merton Hall


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