(42) Final Cast and Characters

Final Character Profiles
Very little has changed regarding the characters. Here is a list of the characters in the film:
  • Egon - the protagonist of the story
  • Bleedingheart - the voice of reason, an influential White Cloak member
  • The Preacher - the antagonist and the leader of the White Cloaks
  • Riverfolk Members - a tribe heavily persecuted by The Preacher
  • White Cloak Members - A tribe that is led by The Preacher, often hateful however some follow Bleedingheart
  • Terrorist - an estranged member of the Riverfolk who's act of terror heightens the tension between the two tribes.
  • The Town Crier - Briefly seen throughout, delivers the news from a strongly bias perspective in favour of The Preacher
  • Young Man - This character briefly appears at the end and mirrors Egon at the beginning of the film to create a cyclical structure 
Character Profiles
Here are the very brief character profiles I have created for my characters, I have added a little bit more to some of the profiles. To read an in-depth analysis of their characters and the traits etc. I have chosen for them, click here.
Egon (protagonist)
Age: Young adult
Profession: Traveller/Activist/Rebel
Likes: Equality, justice, Bleedingheart, the Riverfolk, peace
Dislikes: The Preacher, inequality, tyranny, the White Cloaks
History: Prior to the film, no history is revealed regarding Egon. This includes where he comes from and why he is even near the tribes. He begins the film as an entirely new man: a blank canvas ready to learn about the world.
Personality: Impressionable, passionate, naive 
Age: Young woman
Profession: Rebel/Freedom Fighter/Activist
Likes: Equality, harmony, fairness, freedom
Dislikes: Tyranny, hate, inequality, prejudice
History: In the film, it is implied that Bleedingheart and the Preacher know or knew each other, this is likely through their campaigning and rich politically-oriented backgrounds. She somehow became dynamic between the White Cloaks and Riverfolk, this happened prior to the film.
Personality: Passive, composed, collected, wise, compassionate, peaceful
The Preacher (antagonist)
Age: Adult
Profession: Leader of White Cloaks/Preacher
Likes: Power/control, tyranny, violence, superiority
Dislikes: The Riverfolk, Bleedingheart/rebels, threats to his power
Personality: Tyrannical, hateful, cruel, violent, oppressive, manipulative
The Town Crier
Age: Old
Profession: Town Crier
Likes: the Preacher, having influence and power, luxury
Dislikes: The Riverfolk
History: Old friend of the Preacher
Personality: Traditional/Conservative values
The Terrorist
Age: Young adult
Profession: Terrorist
Likes: violence, murder, "justice", revenge, rebellion
Dislikes: Riverfolk, White Cloaks, the Preacher
History: Disconnected from the Riverfolk a long time ago because of his cynical and disturbed nature.
Personality: Highly disturbed, bitter and very unpredictable
The Young Man (at the end)
Age: Young adult
Profession: Traveller
History: Similar to Egon, no history is revealed. This includes where he comes from and why he is even near the tribes. He represents a new man: a blank canvas to learn about the world, just like Egon at the beginning of the film.
Personality: Impressionable, passionate, naive
Riverfolk Leader 
Age: Young woman
Profession: Leader of the Riverfolk
Likes: Openness, kindness, peace
Dislikes: Hate, tyranny, inequality
Personality: Warm, open, peaceful, 
The White Cloaks (in general)
Profession: a tribe
Likes: Violence, "justice", revenge, order
Dislikes: The Riverfolk, Bleedingheart, terrorism
Personality: Violent, traditional, closed-minded, xenophobic, prejudice

Final Cast
After weighing the pros and cons of each actor and actress when compiling the potential cast previously, I have finally decided the casting choices for each role:

Egon is a man whose defining characteristic is his youth, therefore it is important for the character to exhibit traits associated with being young. This means that he must be naive, impressionable but has a strong drive and is very passionate. Therefore, I must cast an actor that is able to convey these characteristics subtly and naturally. This is who I've chosen out of my potential casting choices:

Elliott Gillespie
Age: 17 years old
Profession: College student

Justification of Casting Choice
The reason I have chosen Elliott to play the role of Egon is, first and foremost, he is an extremely talented actor. Having worked with him during my AS project, I know that he is able to convey emotion in a very natural way, appropriate for being on camera. Secondly, he lives very nearby to me which makes him a convenient and efficient choice in terms of travelling. Another reason is that we are close and, therefore, will be very comfortable working together. Elliott is also a very confident person and, therefore, will be able to work with others, even people he isn't familiar with, well. He is also an appropriate age for the role.

Bleedingheart is a young woman who's defining characteristic is her wise, compassionate and composed nature. She serves as the voice of reason throughout the film, therefore, it is important to cast somebody who can naturally portray this. This is who I've chosen out of my potential casting choices:

Beth Bridgwood
Age: 18 years old
Profession: Sixth form student

Justification of Casting Choice
The main reason I have selected Beth for the role is that she is the most convenient choice in that she lives the closest by me compared to the other potential casting choices. Another reason Beth is appropriate for the role is that, as a drama student, she has some experience in acting and can, therefore, likely adapt to the role well. Furthermore, I am very good friends with Beth which will make it easier to direct her as we are both comfortable with each other. She's also comfortable with being on camera and can handle close-ups of her face, which gives me more freedom when filming her.

The Preacher
The Preacher is an antagonistic role. His dialogue in the film consists of solely speeches. Because of this, it is important to cast someone who has a powerful voice and is comfortable with being loud. They must also exhibit villainous traits. This is who I've chosen out of my potential casting choices:

Rowan Knights
Age: 18 Years Old
Profession: College Student

Justification of Casting Choices
The main reason I have chosen Rowan is that I know he is a talented actor. I have worked with him on other projects and he always successfully portrays antagonistic roles. Furthermore, Rowan lives very closeby to me, making him an efficient and convenient casting choice. We're also good friends and would be comfortable with working with one another. He's very comfortable with strangers and therefore would be able to perform well with actors that he may have never met before. Another factor is the fact that he'd be comfortable with close-ups of his face which gives me more freedom when filming.

Minor Roles
I have compiled a list of the actors/actresses playing the minor roles.

The Terrorist
Jackson Cutts
Age: 18 years old
Profession: Sixth form student
The Town Crier
Gerald Riedlinger
Age: 79 years old
Profession: Retired

The Young Man
Ian Bedwell
Age: 18 years old
Profession: College student
Riverfolk Leader
Emma Sherry
Age: 17 years old
Profession: Sixth form student


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