Target Audience

What is Target Audience? 
Target audience is the intended viewer of the film that's going to be released - it's a particular group of consumers that the product will be aimed at, probably because they will get the most enjoyment out of it than anyone else. There are certain factors that define the target audience for each individual film, for example, the genre of a film may affect the target audience for a film as certain groups of people will be drawn to a specific genre typically. For example, a teen film's target audience is probably going to be directed at teenagers due to the general themes and characters that teenagers can relate to. Another thing that may draw a specific target audience to a film is the actual individual content of the film. Although the genre may somewhat define the conventions and content - the nature of the content may vary depending on the film. Using comedy as an example, comedies that include specific content will probably have an adult audience whereas comedy with quite childish or all-appropriate humour will probably be best suited for children.

Who is the Target Audience for Short Films?
Short films have a more niche market than feature films. This is because, firstly, short films are often very low-budget and are given little to no publicity and media coverage, whereas feature films - particularly blockbusters - are given an elaborate marketing campaign. This means that more people hear about feature films as opposed to short films and, as a result of this, makes short films less popular than features. Secondly, there are few platforms on which to consume short films compared to feature films, which can be found in tangible form as well as in digital - short films are often only digital. This makes them harder to find than feature films and harder to consume - short films are usually something people look to find as opposed to simply stumbling across. Another reason is that short films are very unconventional - they're not held up to the rigorous expectations as feature films - this often means that they are very thought provoking or complex. As a result of this, they are often something that people watch alone as opposed to in a group, whereas, feature films are often watched as a group. As people are more likely to spend money in a group than alone, production/marketing companies want to promote things that can be shared together, in this case, feature films.

So, because short films have such a small primary audience anyway, their target audience doesn't really split off into subdivisions like feature films do according to genre and so on. Short films primarily appeal to filmmakers and film buffs. Anyone of any age and background can have a passion for film, however, people most likely to have a strong interest in film as an art form as opposed to mere entertainment would be middle class, middle aged people. The reason for this is, along with most arts, film as an art form is often considered a refined interest. This would appeal to middle class people because they often have access to more refined/'cultured' things and would, therefore, more likely develop an interest in it. Furthermore, sharing interest in culture is considered a bourgeoisie trait. The reason short films appeal more closely to middle age people is that, again, middle age people prefer more refined things, whereas, young people are often considered too immature to enjoy artistic things. This, as with most generalisations, is not always the case, though.

What Would be the Target Audience of your Film?
Like any short film, my target audience would be film enthusiasts. However, because my film carries many political undertones, I believe that its target audience transcends just film enthusiasts. I often notice, when on social media, the short films that become popular among the general public are ones with political messages. For example, the pro LGBTQ+ message of 'In a Heartbeat', a short film that circled the internet several times. Another popular short film that I've often seen floating around is 'Love is all You Need', another pro-LGBTQ+ message. Another example of a popular short film was 'ReMoved', a film that provided a message about foster children. This proves that people enjoy watching and sharing things that promote a certain cause. Because my film has a political message like these examples, I would say that its target audience is the general public, more specifically, those who champion xenophic values. This is because it aims to educate and, therefore, needs to reach as many people as possible.

The actual content of my film would appeal more closely to adult than children/younger people. This is because of the heavy themes and inclusion of violence, death and hate.

What Ways Would You Go About Attracting Your Target Audience?
Statistically, social media websites are one of the most used websites on the internet. Using social media is an effective way to address audiences nowadays, so creating a social media page is a good method of reaching vast audiences as all sorts of people from varying backgrounds use social media every day. Creating posters to share on said page will be useful as it gives potential viewers a visual representation of the film - something visual to catch their attention. Likewise, creating a short trailer for the film may be effective too. This is particular of websites such as Facebook, as videos are prioritised in user's feeds and is therefore more likely to reach them than an image or text post.

To reach film enthusiasts, I would upload it to a platform that hosts short films. For example, YouTube or Vimeo. Vimeo would be a better choice as its main use is for viewing HD films and is the optimum website for sharing short films. YouTube, however, is good for amateur videographers like me.


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