(45) Final Locations

Final Locations
Out of the extensive selection of potential locations listed during my planning post, I have weighed the pros and cons of each option and have now chosen my final locations.

I have separated the locations by which scene they are featured in.

Riverlands (Chapters 1, 3 & 5)
The Riverland is the fictional home of the Riverfolk tribe, who have formed a settlement close to a river. This setting is important as rivers divide land and division is a key theme in my film, it represents the divide between the Riverfolk and the White Cloaks. This is further reinforced by the cultural attitudes surround geographical differences. Often, outskirts (in this case, a river) are considered less developed than mainland areas, which reflects how the White Cloaks feel about the Riverfolk, whom they refer to as 'savages'. Not only does the Riverland represent division, it reflects the nature of the Riverfolk too. For example, the openness of the water reflects their open attitudes, likewise, the peaceful connotations of rivers and lakes reflects their truly peaceful nature.

This is why it's important to choose a location that efficiently reflects these ideas, somewhere picturesque and peaceful. I have chosen to use a lake as, firstly, rivers are harder to find and are considered to be quite dangerous. I can frame my shots to effectively make the setting appear as a river.

Lynford Water, Mundford

Justification for Use:
My main reason for choosing this lake as the filming location is that its open to the public. This is convenient because it means it is both safe for the public to be around as well as be easy to access without gaining special permission from the owner, unlike many of my other options.

Secondly, this location is appropriate to use because it's quite local to me, being only a twenty-minute drive from me. This means it is convenient and easy to access.

The shape of the lake is appropriate too, as it's longer than it is wide. This simulates a river, which is appropriate in regards to the themes of division in my film. Similarly, the size and openness of the lake is a benefit because it allows light to enter, preventing noisy footage caused by low lighting conditions. On the other hand, the tall trees that are dotted around the location help block direct sunlight from reaching filming spots. This is a good thing because direct sunlight ruins footage by creating stark shadows and can even damage the camera.

The village the lake is situated in is quite remote, this limits the amount of traffic and people that pass through. This is useful because it prevents people from ruining footage by appearing in the background of the shots or even the audio. This is helped by the size, sparsity and variation of the
location. Because the location is so big it reduces the risk of encountering pedestrians, which will make the filming process more fluid.

The size, sparsity and variation of Lynford Water are beneficial in another way too. This is because it offers more choice in regards to where I can film. For example, if I find I don't like one spot, I can relocate to another that is more suitable for the look I am trying to achieve. Furthermore, the fact that it is open space if useful because it will make moving around and setting up the perfect shot easier, without objects such as trees getting in the way of the shot.

How Does This Location Help Construct the Mise-En-Scѐne?
This location helps to construct the mise-en-scѐne because it is a very peaceful area and therefore suits the peaceful look I had in mind. It is very natural in that it is covered in trees, has loads of wildlife and different terrains and vegetation. This peaceful nature is effective in my setting because it helps reflect on the characters that dwell there, revealing their peaceful nature. 

Backup Location
On the off chance that Lynford become unavailable to me, I have chosen a closer backup location. 

Scoulton Mere
The reason I have chosen Scoulton Mere as a contingency is because it is very local to me. During my AS project, I suffered many pitfalls regarding the availability of one of my locations, leaving me with no time to get to my backup locations. I have decided to choose a place close to me on the off chance that I lose out on my first location and need to get to my backup within the same day. Likewise, Scoulton is the lake that I liked the most (apart from my main choice) as it is very picturesque and out-of-the-way. This will look great, even if it is my second choice. It is an excellent backup choice because of its vast size and varying terrains. This will offer me more choice on the filming day. 

The Countryside
The White Cloaks live in a rural area filled with plain fields. This is appropriate because, as stated before, mainland areas are always considered more developed than outskirts. This reflects on the White Cloak's false sense of superiority to the Riverfolk, despite them being no more 'civilised' than the Riverfolk are. 

I need to choose a location that is vast and plain enough to serve as the Mainland in the film. 

RAF Watton Airfield, Griston

Justification of Use:
One of the main reasons I chose this as my final location is that it is only a few yards from my house and is therefore extremely convenient to use.

It is useful to use because it contains a range of different sceneries. For example, plain fields, high grasses and forests. This is useful as it provides lots of choices when filming so that I am not restricted to one type of location.

I am very familiar with the location and therefore won't have to spend too much time trying to find a place to film, I know where everything is and therefore can get straight into filming, saving time.

The location is convenient to the look I'm trying to achieve because I want to make it look like the English countryside.

How Does This Setting Help Construct the Mise-En-Scѐne?
This setting helps construct the mise-en-scѐne because it is very vast, plain and rather dull looking, particularly during this time of year. The bare look and dark tones create a cold atmosphere that effectively reflects on the characters that live there, as they are very cold and closed-off. Similarly, this location looks like typical British countryside. The reason this is appropriate is that, while my film is not set in Britain, I want to allude to Britain by using British iconography, so that the moral of my story can easily be applied to British and western society. 

Backup Location
On the chance that the Airfield becomes unavailable to my, I have selected a backup locaton. 

Merton Hall, Merton
Merton Hall is where I've planned to film my fire scene, however, it will make an excellent backup location for the countryside because of the vast farmland and fields that encompass it. This is a great location because it looks very British, the image I was trying to achieve. Furthermore, my friend lives here, meaning I definitely have access to it. This place is extremely convenient because it is only a short distance from my house and is easily accessible. It's got a range of wildlife and is picturesque, too. In addition to this, it will correlate with my fire scene as they would be the same locations. 

During Bleedingheart's death scene, I envisioned a shot of her body underwater very briefly. As I don't want to fully submerge my actress in dirty lake water (and the camera won't be able to pick any footage up of it as it's too dark and murky), I have decided to use a swimming pool instead. 

Northacre Farm Pool, Caston

Justification for Use:
The main reason I have chosen this location is that, having discussed with a friend of mine the various private pools I had considered, she informed me that several of them were of a bad quality, with bad lighting and/or murky water (as she had used two of them for her own photography project). This one she hadn't used, however, from my memory of the establishment, the lighting is more natural seeming and the water is clear. 

Another reason this pool is a good choice is that it is extremely close to me (within walking distance), which is very convenient as I won't have to travel very far at all to reach it. Furthermore, you are permitted to wear clothes in the pool, which is convenient for my film as I require costumes for my characters.

How Does This Location Help Construct the Mise-en-Scène?
This location will help construct the mise-en-scène because it adds another layer to the lake scene, allowing the audience to see more than just what's above the surface. Furthermore, underwater is peaceful and will therefore correspond well with the peaceful nature of the lake. Likewise, having a peaceful place is what I had in mind for Bleedingheart's death and the shot of her floating underwater will create an ethereal look which correlates with Bleedingheart's spiritual/saviour-like character.

*As this is a bookable location, I won't need a backup. However, if I decide that the pool isn't good enough for my film than I shall use Woodrising Pool, Hingham.

Fire Scene
The penultimate scene of the film involves a fire. Although this scene is set in the Countryside featured previously in the film, I cannot create a fire on a public place as this is, of course, illegal. So I have chosen a separate location to situate thise scene. 

Merton Hall, Merton

The reason I have chosen Merton Hall is that my friend lives there and has given me permission to start a bonfire on her land. This is a great place to set the fire scene because it is so vast and out-of-the-way, meaning any buildings or structures won't be seen in the background of the shot, which would happen if I had decided to film this scene in my own garden. Likewise, it is a safe environment to create a bonfire as there is a large bonfire pit there already. Lastly, this location is very local to me, meaning it is convenient to get to. 

*If my friend changes her mind or something happens meaning I can't use this land, I will film the scene in my own garden, as it is large enough for a bonfire. 


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